Friday, May 21, 2010

It's a Book!

by Lauren

As the (perhaps overly) proud aunt of the world’s most amazing nephew, I try to keep up with the latest children’s books offerings to make sure that my boy’s got all the most valuable reading material. No one should have to grow up without his or her fair share of pigeon tales. I made sure to be the one to read him his first book, even though he was sleeping and less than two weeks old—and regardless of its apparently quite insidious actual message.

And now, thanks to the Book Bench blog, I know what I’ll be buying him in August for his “visit with Aunt Lauren” gift. Fortunately, my sister was raised by the same book-loving mother I was (funny how that works out), so I have no doubt he’ll grow up aware of how fun and wonderful and significant words can be. Once he’s old enough to take his reading habits to nursery school and beyond, however, I fear he might need to share the final message of Lane Smith’s forthcoming It’s a Book with some of his less fortunate peers, and I’d hate for him to be less than prepared.


  1. Aww, It's A Book looks great. Congrats on the wonderful nephew! So terrific to raise kids with a love of books and words in general. My 13 yo son loves books. One of his favorite gifts to receive.

  2. I LOVE the Stinky Cheese Man! I didn't realize there was another one on the way. You just made my day!

    My kids' aunt trolls garage sales all year and then gives the kids a HUGE box of books at Christmas. Best gift ever.

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